Mentari Intercultural School Grand Surya
Never too busy to lend a helping hand
Make an effort to reach out to the needy and the poor, help them whole heartledly to the limit of your ability
Able leaders
Stand for your rights and for the rights of others, set a good example of proper behavior and conduct
Responsible citizens
Contribute to a safe and positive campus atmosphere by being courteous and considerate of others

Cambridge Curriculum Mentari Intercultural School Grand Surya is a fully accredited Cambridge School from grade 1 to 12. Students have the opportunity to study and to take their Primary Checkpoint, Secondary One Checkpoint, IGCSE and A Level Examinations. National Curriculum 2013

All Cambridge teachers hold a Bachelor or a Master degree in Education specialized in the subject they are teaching as well as certificates delivered by Cambridge Assessment International Education. All National teachers hold a Bachelor or Master degree in Education.
How to join MIS Grand Surya Virtual Open House 2020
Buy the Registration Form
1. Click “Buy Registration Form”
2. Fill out the registration form and submit it
Proceed to Payment
1. Transfer your payment to Yayasan Cemerlang Anak Mentari Indonesia with BCA account number 7570494168 (Junior High and Senior High) and BCA account number 7570358868 (Preschool and Elementary)
2. Payment should be done within 24 hours after buying the registration form
Confirm Your Payment
1. Click on “Payment Confirmation”
2. Fill out the payment confirmation form then upload the receipt
Virtual Tour
Virtual Tour